Outside School Hours/Vacation Care
King's offers before and after school care and vacation care at all three of its campuses. During term time, we also run a range of extracurricular activities on campus, outside of school hours, to help parents manage the juggle of work and family life.
Extracurricular Activities
For more information about out-of-hours and vacation care at King's, please select the relevant campus, below:
Pimpama Campus
Children in Prep & Year 1

An out-of-school-hours care program operates within King's Early Learning Centre for children in their first year of school. Vacation care is also available for Prep students and preschool children from 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Before School Care | from 6:30am | $16* |
After School Care | until 6:00pm | $30* |
Vacation Care Pre Kindy (from age 2.5) | 6:30am - 6:00pm | $130* |
Vacation Care (Pre Prep & School Age) | 6:30am - 6:00pm | $125* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
More Information
For further information about out-of-school hours and vacation care for Prep students at King's Reedy Creek campus, please contact King's Early Learning:
Tel: | 07 5587 7665 |
Email: | elcpimpama@kingscollege.qld.edu.au |
Children in Prep - Year 6
Children may be left at school from 7.30am, where they will be supervised by members of staff. After school, children are supervised until 3.30pm. Before and After School Care can be arranged for times outside of these hours by parents through our Early Learning Centre or KOSHC (subject to availability).
King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC), run by the , operates out-of-school-hours programs at the Pimpama campus for primary-aged children in Prep to Year 6. Quality supervision is provided in a relaxed atmosphere, allowing for study time, afternoon tea and recreational facilities.
Vacation Care
runs a program for primary-aged children, offering indoor and outdoor sporting activities plus excursions to a variety of venues on the Gold Coast. Vacation care operates Monday to Friday between 6.30am and 6.30pm and includes the December / January period.
Before School Care | from 6:30am - 9:00am | $16 (permanent booking) $19 (casual booking)* |
After School Care | from 2:45pm - 6:30pm | $26 (permanent booking) $31 (casual booking)* |
Vacation Care | from 6:30am - 6:30pm | $71 centre day ($94 excursion days)* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
More information:
For further information about out-of-school hours and vacation care programs run by King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC) at our Pimpama campus, please contact KOSHC directly:
Tel: | 07 5522 0544 |
Email: | pimpama@koshc.net.au |
Web: |
Reedy Creek Campus
Before and After School Care
Children may be left at school from 7.30am, where they will be supervised by members of staff. After school, children are supervised until 3.30pm. Students in Year 4 and above may study in the library until 5.30pm. Outside of these hours, before and after school care is available.
Two outside-school-hours care programs are run at the Reedy Creek campus, Monday to Friday during term time:
1. King's Early Learning Centre
Before and after school care for children in Prep to Year 1.

Younger children can enjoy supervised play and care outside school hours within King's Early Learning Centre, which is positioned close to the Prep Centre. Before school care operates from 7:00am. After school care runs from the end of the school day until 5:30pm.
Before School Care | from 7:00am | $16* | |
After School Care | until 5:30pm | $30* | |
Vacation Care Pre Kindy (from age 2.5) | until 5:30pm | $130* | |
Vacation Care (Pre Prep & School Age) | until 5:30pm | $125* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
Vacation Care
King's Early Learning Centre runs a program for preschoolers and students up to Year 3. This program runs for all school holidays excluding four weeks over the Christmas holidays.Hours: 7:00am - 5:30pm
2. King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC)
Before and after school care for children in Prep to Year 6.
The runs before and after school clubs for primary school-age children (Prep to Year 6). Before school care is available from 6:30am, while the afternoon club runs until 6:30pm. Quality supervision is provided in a relaxed atmosphere, allowing for study time, afternoon tea and recreational facilities.
Before School Care | from 6:30am - 9:00am | $16 (permanent booking) $19 (casual booking)* | |
After School Care | from 2:45pm - 6:30pm | $26 (permanent booking) $31 (casual booking)* | |
Vacation Care | from 6:30am - 6:30pm | $71 centre day ($94 excursion days)* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
Vacation Care
- King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC) runs a program for primary-aged children (Prep to Year 6), offering indoor and outdoor sporting activities together with daily excursions to a variety of venues on the Gold Coast, and includes the December / January period.
Hours: 6:30am - 6:30pm
Cost: $71/day ($94 on excursion days)*
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
More Information
King's Early Learning Centre |
Tel: | 07 5587 7603 |
Email: | elcreedy@kingscollege.qld.edu.au |
King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC) |
Tel: | 07 5522 0544 |
Email: | reedycreek@koshc.net.au |
Web: |
Logan Village Campus
Before and After School Care
Primary-aged children may be left in the school playground from 7.30am where they will be supervised by a member of staff. After school, children are supervised in the playground until 3:30pm. Outside these hours, before and after school care is available.
Children in Prep and Year 1

An out-of-school-hours care program operates within King's Early Learning Centre for our youngest students. Vacation care is also available for preschool and Prep-aged children, from 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Before School Care | from 7:00am | $16* |
After School Care | until 6:00pm | $30* |
Vacation Care Pre Kindy (from age 2.5) | 7:00am - 6:00pm | $130* |
Vacation Care (Pre Prep & School Age) | 7:00am - 6:00pm | $125* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
More Information
For more information, please contact King's Early Learning:
Tel: | 07 5587 7685 |
Email: | elclogan@kingscollege.qld.edu.au |
Children in Prep - Year 6
King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC), run by the , operates out-of-school-hours programs at the Logan Village campus for primary-aged children in Prep to Year 6. Quality supervision is provided in a relaxed atmosphere, allowing for study time, afternoon tea and recreational facilities.
Vacation Care
runs a program for primary-aged children, offering indoor and outdoor sporting activities plus excursions to a variety of venues on the Gold Coast. Vacation care operates Monday to Friday between 6.30am and 6.30pm and includes the December / January period.
Before School Care | from 6:30am - 9:00am | $16 (permanent booking) $19 (casual booking)* |
After School Care | from 2:45pm until 6:30pm | $26 (permanent booking) $31 (casual booking)* |
Vacation Care | from 6:30am - 6:30pm | $71 centre day ($94 excursion days)* |
*Families may apply for the Australian Government . For further details please call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
More information:
For further information about out-of-school hours and vacation care programs run by King's Out of School Hours Care (KOSHC) at our Pimpama campus, please contact KOSHC directly:
Tel: | 07 5522 0544 |
Email: | loganvillage@koshc.net.au |
Web: |